ABOUT MEMulti-faceted.I study Studio Art and English as a double major on the pre-med track at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. My passions stretch far and in multiple directions, but they are all connected: my love of the human form and anatomy inspires my illustrations; my photography motivates my writing; my love of reading births new ideas for drawings and stories alike. My steadfast goal is to foster each of my passions, which means a lifelong devotion to learning, to trying, and to doing.
"The best thing for being sad, replied Merlyn, beginning to puff and blow, is to learn something... That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting."
– The Once and Future King, T.H. White
VISUAL ART PORTFOLIOA collection of my art using traditional mediums.
A collection of my written work, both fictional and nonfictional.
"The curtains are pulled back, wedged between the wall and a pillow. Dust motes float through rays of soft light. My hunched form casts a shadow across the pale wood desk. The dead butterfly, its damp body like a shriveled raisin, lies delicately in the shade. I poise the X-Acto Knife above the hairline fracture that joins wing to body, sever it. Flakes of skin and shards of transparent chitin jump up from the pressure of the blade, join the dust suspended in the air around me. The wing splits in half, fractured along one of the black eyespots. I lay the broken pieces on a sheet of paper, suture the wound with a strip of clear tape. The wing rests like a painting behind a sheet of glass – the glare of the tape smudges color. I swipe the wingless corpse into the trashcan with the knife point."
– Glass Shards, non-fiction essay (2017)
– Glass Shards, non-fiction essay (2017)